How To Solve OneDrive Stuck on Processing Changes (Windows)

How To Solve OneDrive Stuck on Processing Changes (Windows)

Having reinstalled Windows 11 on a new NVMe , I asked OneDrive to reuse the old folder from the secondary internal drive.

A few days in and I notice the following, with the processing message stuck ever since the first login:

Logging off, updating OneDrive, signing in/out didn't do the trick. Having checked on forums, reddit, etc...I couldn't really find an answer, until I noticed Dropbox only worked if it ran in Admin mode (older folder on the same secondary drive) but gave a permissions error when it started on Windows boot in non-admin mode. Thought to try the same with OneDrive but the app said it would not run under admin mode.

Here it was clear that both cases were a permissions issue, the only thing that reliably solved both issues was: Giving "User" Full Control on the root folder of OneDrive. 

To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Right Click on your OneDrive folder
  2. Click on "Properties" 
  3. Click on the "Security" tab
  4. Select the "Users" related to your signed-in user and click on "Full Control"

  5. Click on "Apply" then Ok
  6. Quit "OneDrive" and open it on again, syncing should now work.